Dr. Louis Poon after asuccessful Ph.D. defense in (spring 2022)

Current graduate students with high school summer researcher, Zoe Gomez-So (far left) (summer 2018)

Celebrating successful Ph.D. defense of Dr. Louis Poon (3rd from the left) with Dick Weiss (5th from the left), current Weiss group members (Danielle Beaupre, Girishma Grover, and Shae London), and former Weiss group members (Dr. Teresa Duncan and Jacob Hum) in 2022.

Dick Weiss and Louis Poon at the 2018 Gordon Conference on Ionic Liquids in Newby, Maine.

Collaborators from University of Palermo, Prof. Francesca D'anna (University of Palermo), Salvo, and Carla (left, 3rd from left and 5th from left) with Danielle Beaupre, Teresa Duncan, and Dick Weiss outside Palermo, Italy (summer 2017).

With Dick Weiss, graduate students and summer undergraduate research assistant, JP Lee (third from left) (summer 2017)
The Weiss group is comprised of undergraduates, graduate students, and post-doctoral researchers as well as visiting professors and researchers from around the world. Because the research is highly interdisciplinary, the range of investigators includes organic, physical and analytical chemists as well as material scientists. Despite that, the number of researchers is kept relatively small to foster a sense of close community interaction and comradery. Collaborations with groups in North and South America, Europe, India, Egypt, and China allow students in our group to interact with researchers from different parts of the globe, thereby promoting international partnerships. Our group places an emphasis on collaborations with both international and domestic institutions, including the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), the National Gallery of Art, the International Network on Integrated Techniques in Structural Elucidation (InTechSe), the Universities of Florence and Palermo in Italy, the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Universidade Estadual de Campinas in Brazil.
Current Members

Professor Richard Weiss
Sc.B. 1965, Brown University
M.S. 1967, University of Connecticut
Ph.D. 1969, University of Connecticut
NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, California Institute of Technology, 1969-1971; Visiting Professor: University of São Paulo, Brazil (1972-1976); Max-Planck-Institut für Strahlenchemie, Muhlheim/Ruhr, Germany (1981); Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France (1982); Université de Bordeaux I, Talence, France (1982); Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (1989-1990, 1998); Institute of Photographic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (1997-1998).; Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur, Kanpur, India (2006); Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan (2006); State University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil (2006); Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica (2009); Chinese Academy of Sciences Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientist (2013); Pfizer Visiting Professorship at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (2014); Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, Spain (2014); U.S. National Academy of Science Overseas Fellow (1971-1974); Fellow of the Indo-U.S. Subcommission on Education and Culture (1989-1990); Fulbright Research Fellow (1998); Foreign Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences; CareerResearch Award, Georgetown University (2002); International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Fellow (2008); Doctor honoris causa, Universite Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux, France (2009); Charles L. Gordon Award from the Chemical Society of Washington (2012); National Academy of Inventors (2014); Fulbright-Brazil Scientific Mobility Program Distinguished Chair (2015), recipient of the medal of Honor from the Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (2018).
Senior Editor for Langmuir (2004-2014); Member of the Advisory Editorial Board of the Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society; Associate Editor for Polimeros: Ciencia e Tecnologia (journal of the Brazilian Polymers Association (ABPol); Editorial Advisory Boards of Gels; Scientific Board of Substantia, an international journal devoted to the history of chemistry and other sciences; Editorial Advisory Board of Indian Journal of Chemistry.
Graduate researchers

Danielle Beaupre
Research Focus:
Polymeric and self-assembled networks
Joined: 2016

Girishma Grover
Research Focus:
Molecular Gels: Self-assembled networks
Joined: 2016
Recent Graduates
Dr. Louis Poon (2022) - ORISE postdoctoral fellow at FDA
Dr. Teresa Duncan (2017) - Scienceforfineart
Dr. Michael Bertocchi (2017) - FBI
Dr. Trevor Safko (2016) - Genscape
Dr. Mohan Zhang (2016) - Agilent
Dr. Lora Angelova (2013) - U.K. National Archives
Recent Postdoctoral Fellows
Dr. D. Fabio Mercado (2017)
Dr. V. Ajay Mallia (2016)
Recent Undergraduates
Matteo Lauto (2022)
Jacob Hum (2022)
Laura Bomeny (2020)
Jake Bimrose (2018)
Jesse Seese (2018)
Adam Lupicki (2017)
John Philip Le (2017) - from University of Virginia
Recent High School Students
Zoe Gomez-So (2018)
Isaac Brooks (2017)
Jonathan Ko (2017)